– Conversations about improving the human condition –
Program Description
Our Signature Dialogues are live events that gather thought-leaders and decision makers for a dialogue about specific issues affecting society with the purpose of finding new ways of addressing the problem at hand and resulting in an action plan.
The purpose is to have meaningful conversations about what are often difficult topics in a respectful and challenging way in order to share ideas and potential solutions for some of the most pressing problems society is facing. Signature Dialogues are designed for participants to share knowledge and learn from one another’s experiences under a format that promotes everyone to participate in the dialogue and to walk away with concrete action items geared at making positive changes.
Each TLD Signature Dialogue features a theme related to a specific cause that will be discussed among a limited number of participants with different views and experiences around the issue at hand. The events are held under a confidential format using the Chatham House Rule to encourage openness and remove barriers to free expression.
Program Approach
The dialogues begin with a knowledgeable expert in the field of discussion who will spark the conversation. There is also a facilitator for each dialogue, who engages the audience to make sure everyone has a chance to speak, and that we stay on topic. All participants are asked and encouraged (but not obligated) to participate in the discussion sharing ideas, experiences, and asking questions.
Program Outcome
The outcome of TLD’s Signature Dialogues is a compilation of the ideas and conclusions discussed with specific action-items that can be implemented by those who attended and those who have access to the material produced as a result of the Dialogue.
Go to our events calendar page for our dialogue overview.
Additional information
- For whom – For leaders of companies, of communities, and of family foundations
- Duration – TLD Signature Dialogues usually have a duration of two and a half hours, including pre and post dialogue receptions.
- Location – Our Signature Dialogues are held at a variety of locations, including non-profits’ place of business, conference halls, clubs, and company sites.
- Pre-reads – Participants are asked to review material, written or recorded, before attending TLD’s Signature Dialogues, to come prepared to address the topic.